Monday, November 24, 2008

NO More Cupboard!

I finally got some hooks so that Addy can't get into the Cupboard in the kitchen that she absolutely loves, but I still haven't realized that you have to actually put them on for them to work. Addy gets into that cupboard about a trillion times a day and brings me boxes of food wanting me to open them. I finally had enough, but instead of putting the five bucks I spent on the little hooks to use, in a fit of furry I wrapped a rubber band around the knobs as tight as it would go. Now getting the doors open is a pain, but the results are spectacular. Unless you ask Addy!She came running over to me saying "ma". Little does she know I am the cause of all of her cupboard grief!

1 comment:

The Higley's said...

Oh stace she is so adorable! She is so big I just can't believe it! Love you guys!